Danny Coolahan for Inconvenience Store [WINNER]
Dale Fabrigar for The Interview
Ania Gauer & Julien Gauthier for Adulting
My Friend the Mayor by Max Western [WINNER]
Alaska Long Hunters by Mark Rose
The Quiet Healing by Marvin Yarbrough
Sderot Kissufim by Sderot Kissufim [WINNER]
My Friend Artemis by Mads Sterri Nilsen
Adulting by Ania Gauer & Julien Gauthier
Smoking Kills by Jerca Oblak [WINNER]
Who You Are by Maria Eunice Clarissa
Mammoth: The Sunflower in Primal Thirst by Matt Check
Who You Are by Maria Eunice Clarissa [WINNER]
Gwen by Skye McDonald
Are you Chinese or Japanese? By Togzhan Seilkhanova
Noa Har - Zion for Sderot Kissufim [WINNER]
Pauline Chalamet for Adulting
Kimberley Capero for Gwen
Charlie Garner for Inconvenience Store [WINNER]
Jonathan Stoddard for The Interview
Christopher Dukes for Vegan and then Sum
Suz Mawer for Overcaterers Anonymous [WINNER]
Emma Harvie for Inconvenience Store
Cassie Elkin for Are you Chinese or Japanese?
Matt Lausch for Inconvenience Store [WINNER]
Sandro Suladze for Romance
Gunnar DeYoung for Adulting
Inconvenience Store by Dennan Chew [WINNER]
Distance by Craig Nisperos
Iām Ready by Maya Jai Pinson
Sderot Kissufim by Alon Daniel [WINNER]
The Kiss by Guiseppe Nasca
Adulting by Hugo Poisson
Sderot Kissufim by Noga Dekel [WINNER]
Adulting by Emeline Aldeguer
Who You Are by Maria Eunice Clarissa
Who You Are by Maria Eunice Clarissa [WINNER]
Sderot Kissufim by Jasmin Even
Romance by Eddie Torres